The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

April 26, 2024

I recently bought the novel ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath. This came about as follows. I have now lived in Mainz for over ten years. Bookshops exert a strong attraction on me. It is therefore strange that I had never entered the shop ‘Shakespeare and so …’ which I must have passed very many times. Now I have done so. I had nothing special in mind and I had no definite plan to buy anything. I spent quite some time looking around the shelves and in the end I did buy a book, ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath. I knew the title of the book and the name of the author but not much more than that. So why did I feel attracted to it? I guess that it is due to the fact that forty years ago Ali Smith talked to me positively about the author. I do not know if this is really the case but it seems to me plausible. I suppose that the recommendation has slumbered in my unconscious all the time and was brought out again by the chance encounter with the book. I did once have a flat-mate who was writing a PhD on Ted Hughes, the husband of Sylvia Plath, but I do not think that the recommendation came from him. In fact I must have read at least one poem by Plath at that time since on the way home the following fragment which must have been lodged in my memory came into my mind: ‘ebon in the hedges fat’. After I got home I was able to find out that it comes from a poem called ‘Blackberrying’, which must have impressed me as a student. On the way home in the tram I read the first few pages of the novel and it became clear to me that it was a piece of luck that I had bought the book. I had the delicious experience of beginning to read a book and immediately feeling at home.

Reading the book was a positive experience for me from beginning to end, although it includes things I experienced as frightening perspectives. I had warm feelings towards both the protagonist and the author. The book has now been given a place of honour on the bookshelf containing those books I esteem most. I do not feel that I have to provide a justification for the feelings I have just expressed but I will at least mention a couple of aspects of the book which have played a role in producing these. One is the remarkable objectivity with which Plath describes all kinds of things which in principle could have a strong emotional impact. Here I think of Jünger although the authors’ subjects are so different. A second is the way I experience many of Plath’s sentences. When the sentence starts you think it is going in a certain direction and then it suddenly turns and goes in quite a different one. A third is the fact that the book presents a picture of mental illness as seen from the inside. Here I think of the shell-shocked veteran in Mrs Dalloway who I see as portraying some part of Virginia Woolf’s illness. A fourth is that I was struck by the fact that the main character assesses the attractiveness of men by the sound of their names. I never proceeded in this way when deciding how attractive I found women but in this point, where in a sense language overrules reality, and in several others in the book I felt ‘This could be me’. As a last point I simply mention the great originality of the book which is quite different from any other book I have read. This originality is not just an effect of the book as whole but instead impregnates the whole text.

Hannah Arendt and the banality of evil

April 24, 2024

In a previous post I indicated that while I found Hannah Arendt interesting I was not sure whether what I knew about her made a positive or a negative impression on me. I also suggested that I wanted to read something she had written to form an opinion. Now I have read her book ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil.’ My opinion has been formed and it is clearly positive. I read the original version of the book which is in English. There is an interesting video of an interview with Arendt. There she is speaking German, her native language, and she makes negative comments about her abilities in English. Since she mentions her German accent in English this comment may just refer to the spoken language. In any case, I find her written English excellent.

Adolf Eichmann was tried in Jerusalem for crimes related to the holocaust, after he had been kidnapped in Argentina by the Iraeli secret service. In the end he was sentenced to death by hanging and the sentence was carried out very quickly. Arendt was present live for part of the trial as a representative of the press and had full access to the transcripts of the other parts. The book resulted from articles on the subject she wrote for the New Yorker. One important question the book discusses is how just this procedure was. This is a point I do not want to discuss at all since I have no special expertise in law and it is also not the aspect of the story which interests me most. The aspect that I find most interesting, and the one giving rise to the subtitle of the book, is to try and understand something about the psychology of Adolf Eichmann.

The publication of the book led to attacks on Arendt by many people. What were the causes of this violent criticism? Since Eichmann was involved in the death of millions of innocent people it is easy to think of him as being like a serial killer, with the difference that the number of people killed was much larger. Arendt suggests that this picture is quite wrong. Eichmann did not kill anyone directly and the fact that in some sense he killed so many indirectly was not because he hated Jews and wanted to kill them. Why it happened is more difficult to understand and a central theme of the book. For many readers this idea was difficult to accept. Another cause of the criticism of the book is that Arendt dared to write about the contributions of Jews to the killings of the holocaust and that this subject was taboo. Returning to the first cause, there is a video of a panel discussion where one of the participants was Wolfram Eilenberger, the author of the book I wrote about in the previous post. The subject of the video is the philosopher Karl Jaspers and a book which has now been published on the basis of texts he wrote. The subject of the book is ‘critical thinking’, whereby the point is made that any real thinking is necessarily critical. What is the relation of this to the main subject of this post? Hannah Arendt was a student of Karl Jaspers – he was her PhD supervisor. The book of Jaspers was originally supposed to be a defence of Arendt against the aggressive criticism of her book. As it developed the book came to consist of two parts. The first concerned more general philosophical themes while the second was to concern Arendt. In the end, however, the second part was dropped.There is nevertheless a strong connection to Arendt’s book since for Jaspers Arendt and her book were model examples of what critical thinking means. In the video Eilenberger introduces an interesting idea about why Arendt was attacked so aggressively. Arendt claimed that Eichmann did not think. In more detail what this means is that he did not think about the consequences of his actions. As I understand it the idea of Eilenberg is that many readers of Arendt’s book generally do not think critically about the issues they are confronted with and perhaps are not even able to do so. Thus they may feel at least unconsciously that what Arendt is telling them is that they are not so different from Eichmann. Under other circumstances they could have been Eichmann. They feel this as an attack on them which causes them to fight back.

Let me come back to the psychology of Eichmann. On the basis of what is presented in the book I conclude that he was not driven by a hatred of Jews or a desire to kill. The thing Eichmann wanted most was to appear important. It was very important for him to get promoted, whereby his absolute rank was probably less important to him than his relative rank compared with the people around him. It was very important to him to be taken seriously by people he saw as being important. It was also very important for him to do his duty. The book presents a picture of the mechanism of the holocaust and the roles of notable figures such as Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich and Eichmann. These people, in particular Hitler himself, contributed essentially to initiating the holocaust. However once it had started it ran to a great extent on its own as a dynamical property of the complex network of organizations and individuals comprising the society of Nazi Germany. There was often no clear chain of command and no clear responsibility. Conditions which favoured this process were widespread dishonesty and the use of certain codes to replace clear statements. The frightening message is that the holocaust was not simply the direct effect of the actions of a few evil and more or less insane individuals but an extreme example of how a society can develop from certain initial conditions, a development consisting of the acts of more or less normal people. Coming back to Eichmann, he saw some of the atrocities in the concentration camps with his own eyes but it seems that his reaction was to stick his head in the sand and to see as little of it as possible. He can be seen talking about these things in videos which are publicly available. He talks in a quite unemotional way and seems to be mainly concerned with trying to remember details about where and when certain things happened and who did what. In his testimony at the trial Eichmann lied a lot but he did not lie very consistently. In fact it seemed as if he really had forgotten many things. Sometimes he failed to mention things (and may have forgotten them) which would have proved his innocence to certain charges.

When reading the book I realized that my own view of the holocaust had been something of a cartoon, consisting of a few ideas and images. Arendt shows how heterogeneous the holocaust was. She explains how the proportion of Jews deported from different European countries or killed in their own country varied extremely between different countries, with Denmark presenting a minimum and Romania a maximum. On one occasion Hitler even complained that Romania was doing ‘better’ in the persecution of the Jews than Germany was. Arendt also explains some of the reasons for these differences.

So what is the meaning of the phrase ‘the banality of evil’? For me it means that the greatest evils in human society (and the holocaust is no exception to this) arise not only due to the influence of a few exceptional evil individuals but also due to negative aspects of the psychology of the majority of human beings which under the wrong circumstances can have catastrophic consequences. Is there any way in which this kind of risk can be reduced? We should do all we can to ensure that such things as truth, honesty, rational arguments and clear formulations (in contrast to coded messages) are as widespread as possible in our communications. Unfortunately it seems that in the recent past the world has been moving in the opposite direction, providing the ideal milieu in which Putin, Trump and many others of a similar kind can flourish.


One dimensional centre manifolds, part 3

April 24, 2024

I now want to generalize the discussion relating the case that the leading order term in the dynamics on a centre manifold is quadratic and the generic fold bifurcation to a related case where one more derivative has been taken. So the aim is to relate the case that the leading order term in the dynamics on the centre manifold is cubic and the generic cusp bifurcation. To do this we express h_{xxx} in terms of derivatives of f^1. In fact we will only write out those terms explicitly which do not always vanish at the bifurcation point. The result is h_{xxx}(0,0,0)=f^1_{xxx}(0,0,0)+3\psi_{xx}(0,0)f^1_{xy}(0,0,0).
In this way it is possible to express the condition for the non-vanishing of the cubic term in the dynamics on the centre manifold by f^1_{xxx}(0,0,0)+3\psi_{xx}(0,0)f^1_{xy}(0,0,0)\ne 0. Note, however, that the expression f^1_{xy}(0,0,0) is not intrinsic to the centre manifold. Because of the vanishing of the first derivatives the second order derivatives \psi_{xx}(0,0) and f^1_{xy}(0,0) define tensors in the full dimension of the dynamical system. Hence we can write \psi_{xx}(0,0)f^1_{xy}(0,0,0) invariantly in the form \psi^i_{,jk}(0,0)f^m_{,il}(0,0,0)p_mq^jq^kq^l. It remains to compute \psi^i_{,jk}(0,0). The invariance of the centre manifold implies that f^i_{,j}\psi^j=f^i_{,jk}q^jq^k (x_1)^2+\ldots. Hence f^i_{,l}(0,0,0)\psi^l_{,jk}(0,0)q^jq^k=f^i_{,jk}(0,0,0)q^jq^k. This equation has a unique solution for \psi^l_{,jk}(0,0)q^jq^k. In this way one of the conditions for a generic cusp bifurcation can be expressed in an invariant way. This corresponds to (8.128) in the book of Kuznetsov. In trying to understand these things better I was confused by equation (5.28) in the book which should be almost the same as (8.128) but in fact contains a typo. There is a repetition of B(q,. For a generic cusp bifurcation we need two parameters \alpha_1 and \alpha_2. The genericity condition involving derivatives with respect to parameters can easily translated into an invariant form. The result is
p_if^i_{\alpha_1}(0,0,0)p_jf^j_{,k\alpha_2}(0,0,0)q^k-p_if^i_{\alpha_2}(0,0,0)p_jf^j_{,k\alpha_1}(0,0,0)q^k=0. Formulae similar to those just given were used in a paper I wrote with Juliette Hell some years ago (Nonlin. Analysis: RWA. 24, 175). Looking back at that I have the feeling that we must have been doing some sleepwalking when writing that paper. Or maybe I was sleepwalking and Juliette was paying attention. In any case, the final result was correct.

A new branch in my blog: Macronectes

March 24, 2024

When I started this blog it was intended to cover all subjects I am interested in. In the recent past there have been an increasing number of posts related to politics. Since I live in Germany they have often been concerned with topics in German politics. It was rather inconvenient writing about these themes in English. For this reason I now started a new blog Macronectes. This is intended to house posts on politics and related philosophical themes. The posts there will all be in German. The first post is related to one which I wrote in Hydrobates on grammatical gender in Germany. I will continue to write posts on all other subjects in Hydrobates as before. Anyone curious to know what the name Macronectes means can look here.

One-dimensional centre manifolds, part 2

March 19, 2024

I continue with the discussion of the previous post. There I mentioned a preliminary transformation of the coordinates. I will discuss this in more detail here. Suppose we have a two-dimensional dynamical system for unknowns (x,y) and a steady state (x_0,y_0). The usual aim is to understand systems up to certain transformations. One type of transformation is of the form \beta=F_1(\alpha). A second is of the form (\tilde x,\tilde y)=F_2(x,y,\alpha). A third is of the form \tau=F_3(t). With the assumptions which have been made we can do a translation to achieve x_0=y_0=0. Assume now that the linearization of the system at the origin is diagonalizable with rank one. Then it has one eigenvalue zero and one non-zero eigenvalue. It can be diagonalized by a linear transformation of the coordinates. After these transformations the system has almost been reduced to the form in the last post, except that there is a non-zero constant in front of the first summand in the evolution equation for y which might not be -1. It can be reduced to the latter case by rescaling the time coordinate. A similar process can be carried out when the centre manifold is of higher codimension. Then the variable y becomes vector-valued and the first summand in the evolution equation for y is if the form Ay for an invertible matrix A. The function \psi defining the centre manifold is then also vector-valued. The centre manifold analysis can be done in a manner very similar to what we have seen already.

The discussion of the fold bifurcation also generalizes in a straighforward way to the case of higher codimension. There is, however, one thing about that discussion which is unsatisfactory. The bifurcation conditions are expressed in terms of the transformed coordinates. It would be more satisfactory, because more invariant, if they could be expressed in terms of the original coordinates. This leads to considering the way in which these conditions are affected by the three types of coordinate transformations previously discussed. The first type of transformation leaves the conditions involving only f and its derivatives with respect to x unchanged. The derivative of f with respect to \alpha is rescaled by the non-zero factor F_1'(0) and so the fact of its being non-zero is unchanged. The third type of transformation just scales all the relevant quantities by the non-zero factor F_3'(0) and so also does not change whether these are zero or not. It remains to consider the second type of transformation. At this point a more geometrical point of view will be adopted. We change the notation for the right hand side of the equations to f^i(x^j,\alpha). These are the components of a parameter-dependent vector field which satisfies f^i(0,0)=0. Because of this condition the derivative f^i_\alpha (0,0) defines a vector at the origin independently of the transformation of the second type. The linearization A^i_j of the vector field at the origin defines a tensor. We suppose as before that it is diagonalizable and of rank one. Let q^i be a vector spanning the kernel of A^i_j, Thus using the Einstein summation convention we have A^i_jq^j=0. Similarly there is a one-form p_i with p_iA^i_j=0. It is unique up to rescaling and we choose it to satisfy p_iq^i=1. With these notations the condition previously written in the form f_\alpha(0,0,0)\ne 0 can be written in the invariant form (f^i_\alpha p_i)(0,0)\ne 0. The condition previously written in the form f_{xx}\ne 0 can be written in the invariant form (p_if^i_{,jk}q^jq^k) (0,0)\ne 0. Here we use the notation f^i_{,jk}=\frac{\partial f^i}{\partial x^j\partial x^k}. It is because the vector field vanishes at the origin and q^i is in the kernel of its first derivative that the expression involving the second derivative is invariant. These considerations may be compared with those in section 5.4 in the book of Kuznetsov.

One-dimensional centre manifolds

March 18, 2024

I have used one-dimensional centre manifolds in my research on several occasions. I now see that I always did this in quite an ad hoc way. I did not exercise due diligence in the sense that I did not take the time to get a general picture of what was going on, so as to be able to use this technique more efficiently in the future. Now I want to do so. I start with the two ODE \dot x=f(x,y) and \dot y=-y+g(x,y). This example is general enough to illustrate several important ideas. Here f and g are supposed to be smooth and vanish at least quadratically near the origin. The linearization of this system has the eigenvalues -1 and zero. Its kernel is spanned by the vector with components (1,0). It follows that there exists a centre manifold of the form y=\psi (x), where \psi has any desired finite degree of differentiability. By definition this manifold is invariant under the flow of the system, it passes through the origin and its tangent space there is the x axis. Consider the Taylor expansion f(x,y)=a_{2,0}x^2+a_{1,1}xy+a_{0,2}y^2+a_{3,0}x^3+\ldots. Substituting this into the evolution equation for x gives \dot x=a_{2,0}x^2+\ldots. This is a leading order approximation to the flow on the centre manifold. If a_{2,0}\ne 0 we can use it to read off the stability of the origin within the centre manifold. This argument uses no information about the way the centre manifold deviates from the centre subspace, i.e. how fast \psi grows near zero. If a_{2,0}=0 we need to go further.

Differentiating the defining equation with respect to time and substituting the evolution equations into the result gives \psi'(x)f(x,\psi(x))=-\psi(x)+g(x,\psi(x)). Call this equation (*). It can be analysed with the help of the Taylor expansions g(x,y)=b_{2,0}x^2+b_{1,1}xy+b_{0,2}y^2+b_{3,0}x^3+\ldots and \psi(x)=c_2x^2+\ldots. Substituting these into (*) we see that the left hand side is of order three. Thus the same must be true of the right hand side and we get \psi(x)=g(x,\psi(x))+\ldots and c_2=b_{2,0}. Substituting this back into the evolution equation for x gives \dot x=a_{2,0}x^2+(a_{1,1}b_{2,0}+a_{3,0})x^3+\ldots. Thus if a_{2,0}=0 the stability of the origin is determined by the sign of a_{1,1}b_{2,0}+a_{3,0}. If it is zero we can do another loop of the same kind. Looking at the third order terms in the equation (*) we get c_3=(-2a_{2,0}+b_{1,1})b_{2,0}+b_{3,0}. This allows the fourth order term in the evolution equation for x to be determined. This procedure can be repeated as often as desired to get higher order approximations for the centre manifold and the restriction of the system to that manifold.

We can now sum up the steps involved in doing a stability analysis. First look at the coefficient of x^2 in the equation for \dot x. If it is non-zero we are done. If it is zero use the equation (*) to determine the leading term in the expansion of the centre manifold. Put this information into the equation for \dot x. If the leading term is non-zero we are done. If it is zero we can repeat the process as long as is necessary to get a case in which the leading order coefficient is non-zero. As long as this point has not been reached we cycle between using (*) and the equation for \dot x. The system I have discussed here was special. The codimension of the centre manifold was one and the system was in a form which usually could only be achieved by a preliminary linear transformation of the coordinates. The special case nevertheless exhibits the essential structure of the general case and can serve as a compass when treating examples.

These ideas can be extended to give information about bifurcations. The equations are replaced by \dot x=f(x,y,\alpha) and \dot y=-y+g(x,y,\alpha), where \alpha is a parameter. This can be made into a three-dimensional extended system by adding the equation \dot\alpha=0. The origin is a steady state of the extended system and the centre manifold at that point is of dimension two. It is of the form y=\psi (x,\alpha). Suppose that we are in the case a_{2,0}\ne 0. Then this looks very much like the case of a generic fold bifurcation. We are just missing one condition on the parameter dependence. The dynamics on the centre manifold is given by \dot x=f(x,\psi(x,\alpha),\alpha)=h(x,\alpha). Of course the equation \dot \alpha=0 remains unchanged. We can now check the conditions for a generic fold bifurcation in the system reduced to the centre manifold. The first is h(0,0)=f(0,0,0)=0. The second is h_x(0,0)=f_x(0,0,0)+\psi_x(0,0)f_y(0,0,0). Hence h_x(0,0)=0 is equivalent to f_x(0,0,0)=0. The third involves h_{xx}(0,0)=f_{xx}(0,0,0)+\psi_{xx}(0,0)f_y(0,0,0)+2\psi_x(0,0)f_{xy}(0,0,0)+\psi_x^2(0,0)f_{yy}(0,0,0). We see that h_{xx}(0,0)\ne 0 is equivalent to f_{xx}(0,0,0)\ne 0. The fourth involves h_\alpha (0,0)=\psi_\alpha(0,0)f_y(0,0,0)+f_\alpha(0,0,0). We see that h_\alpha (0,0)\ne 0 is equivalent to f_\alpha(0,0,0)\ne 0. The first three conditions for a generic fold bifurcation of the system on the centre manifold are already satisfied and the fourth is equivalent to f_\alpha(0,0,0)\ne 0. In this way the bifurcation conditions can be expressed directly in terms of the coefficients of the original system. This is an illustration in a relatively simple example of a relationship discussed in much more general cases in the book of Kuznetsov.

Event with Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann

March 4, 2024

I have a rather poor opinion of most current politicians. An exception is Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann. I have seen her from time to time in short TV appearances and I have also read about her. All this made a positive impression on me. When I saw that she was due to talk at an event at the University of Mainz on Saturday I decided to go there and Eva, who also previously had a positive impression of the speaker, accompanied me. What we experienced at the event strengthened our previous opinion. The speaker came in with a microphone in a very modest way and just started to talk, without any introduction. Strack-Zimmermann is a member of the FDP and is their leading candidate for the coming European elections. This event was certainly part of her campaign for that election and was organized by her party. At the same time it should be emphasized that she did not say ‘vote for me’ but instead ‘go out and vote for a democratic party’, with a particular recommendation not to vote for the AfD or the party of Sahra Wagenknecht who have both explicitly said that they want Germany to leave the EU. I am not a devotee of the FDP. I find some of their policies good and others bad. I went to the event not because Strack-Zimmermann is a member of the FDP but also not in spite of that fact. My motivation was independent of the party she belongs to. We both thought that she made a milder impression than on TV. Probably the reason is that she was in a relatively friendly environment. When she is forced to defend herself against political attacks she is very capable of doing so and then she is less mild. At this event one person did shout out something about peace from the back row. This might have been due to the fact that Strack-Zimmermann is a strong and outspoken supporter of military intervention in the Ukraine by Germany and other Western countries or it might have had to do with Gaza. In any case she was easily able to handle it. In particular she repeated several times, ‘We all want peace’.

Strack-Zimmermann is chair of the defence committee in the German Parliament. Correspondingly her appearances in the media are often related to military themes. She was in the news recently because of her support of providing the Ukraine with the Taurus cruise missile, thus opposing the policy of Chancellor Scholz. She voted in favour of an initiative of the opposition party CDU that Taurus should be provided to the Ukraine. She was the only member of the government to do so. In her presentation yesterday she discussed many political themes and in particular how they all relate to each other. She is qualified to talk about these things because she has been more than once in the Ukraine during the present war, because she has been in other hotspots such as Mali and Niger, because she has spoken personally with one of the Israeli women taken hostage by Hamas and meanwhile released etc. For me it was refreshing to hear a politician talking in a way which struck me as honest, well-informed, experienced, rational and courageous. One thing which surprised me was what she said about the population of Europe compared to that of the world. She gave the figure 5% and I found that very low. In the internet I found the figure 10% which would have surprised me almost as much. Perhaps the explanation for the discrepancy in the figures is that I was not paying enough attention and she mentioned the population of the EU and in that case 5% could be correct. She talked about many political themes, including the Ukraine, China and Taiwan, the US and NATO, the Red Sea and the Houthis and of course Gaza. At the end of her presentation she took questions. An interesting one came from a young woman who identified herself as being in the army. She asked why the German army was not recruiting people from other European countries. Strack-Zimmermann pointed out the following problem. Soldiers in Germany are paid significantly better than soldiers in many other European countries. Thus the danger exists that if Germany tried to recruit in this way this might seriously weaken the armies of allied countries by draining the human resources. She indicated that discussions were underway to find an alternative.

This speech was not recorded but another presentation by Strack-Zimmermann can be found here:

There is quite a lot of overlap in the topics but it was more defiant in tone that what we heard live, as befits an election speech made to politicians.

Nobel lecture of Harvey Alter

March 1, 2024

In 2020 the Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to Harvey Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles Rice for their role in the discovery of the hepatitis C virus. I now watched the videos of the corresponding Nobel lectures. For my taste the lecture of Alter was by far the most interesting of the three. I think that he was also the one who played the most fundamental role in this discovery. At the beginning of his lecture he emphasizes the point that the most important discoveries in science often come as a complete surprise and not as a result of planned research programmes. Alter was 85 when he got the prize and so he had to wait a long time for it. The papers documenting his fundamental contributions were published in 1989. A central part of this work was the collection and preservation of blood samples from patients undergoing open heart surgery. Why was this group chosen? One of the most important modes of infection with hepatitis B and C used to be blood transfusions. This continued to be the case until tests were available to screen donors for these diseases. This kind of surgery involves extensive blood transfusions and so the chances of infection were relatively high in these patients. Also these patients suffered from relatively few other diseases which could have been confounding factors. These blood samples were an invaluable resource in the search for the virus. They were the basis of painstaking analysis over many years.

One important feature of hepatitis C is that it becomes chronic in 70 per cent of cases. This looks like a failure of the immune system to handle this disease. What are the reasons for this failure? One concerns quasispecies. The hepatitis C virus has an RNA genome and the copying of RNA is very error-prone. This leads to a huge variety in the genomes of virions in a single patient. This in turn results in rapid mutations of the virus. If an antibody has developed to combat the virus then selective pressure will quickly cause a new form to become dominant which is not vulnerable to that antibody. It seems to me that if this type of effect is to be captured using mathematical model it will require a stochastic model. Deterministic models of the type I have studied in the past are probably not helpful for that. In the lecture it is also mentioned that the number of T cells (CD4+ and CD8+) declines very much in chronically infected hepatitis C patients. No explanation is offerred as to why that is the case. Deterministic mathematical models might be able to contribute some understanding in that case.

The lecture contains the following interesting story. There was a time at which liver cancer was much more common in Japan than in the West. The reason for this was that that cancer was in many cases a late stage effect of hepatitis C. During wars in the early part of the 20th century many Japanese soldiers injected drugs with shared needles and this was what spread the disease. It was observed that there were many cases of jaundice (the most striking symptom of hepatitis) on the battlefield. Decades later many of these men developed serious liver disease, including cancer. Japanese doctors predicted that a similar phenomenon would be seen in the West when the effects of recreational drug use became manifest. They were right.

The call of the north and the voyage of the Vega

February 5, 2024

I grew up in the Orkney Islands, a place which is further north than most people live. As a schoolboy I had a map of the world on my bedroom wall and I was fascinated by faraway places and travel. A natural consequence of my place of birth is that when I heard about people I knew travelling they were almost always travelling towards the south. For this reason the north seemed to me to be the direction which was most exotic. At one time I started reading books about arctic exploration. One of the first of these, and probably the best, was the book of Fridtjof Nansen about his voyage with his ship Fram. It was a perfect book to capture my imagination about the far north. On the basis of the fact that wreckage from a ship which sank in the Bering Strait was found in Greenland Nansen was convinced that there was a flow of ice in this direction. He decided to let a ship get frozen into the ice near Siberia in the hope that this current would carry it near the North Pole. The Fram was a ship specially built so that when it was squeezed by the surrounding ice it would be lifted to the surface of the ice instead of being crushed and sunk. His plan worked and the Fram was eventually released by the ice near Spitzbergen. He himself left the ship at what he judged to be the most northerly point of its trajectory in an attempt to be the first to reach the North Pole. He did not reach the pole and turned around to reach Franz Josef Land. There he met another expedition which was able to bring him back to civilisation.

Recently a book came into my hands about another arctic explorer, Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld. It is called ‘Nordostpassage’ [northeast passage] and is by Friedrich-Franz von Nordenskjöld, a descendant of the explorer. As the title indicates, the most famous achievement of Nordenskiöld was that he led the first expedition through the northeast passage, i.e. this was the first time that someone had travelled by ship from Europe to the Bering Strait along the north coast of Siberia. This was something which was a worldwide sensation at that time. For instance at the end of his journey he was invited to visit the emperor of Japan. The success of an expedition of this kind depends a lot on luck but I think this particular expedition depended essentially on the personal qualities of its leader. At the same time I had the feeling that he was often stubborn in an unreasonable way. At least he was apparently a lot more competent than Scott on his attempt to reach the South Pole. (Of course once I had started to read about arctic explorers I also had to read about antarctic ones. Cf. my post on my trip to Ushuaia.) The Vega was the ship which successfully achieved the northeast passage. In fact almost the whole voyage was completed in one summer. Unfortunately, when already close to the Bering Strait the ship got caught in the ice and had to spend the winter a short way from its goal. It was necessary to wait until late July before further progress was possible. On the expedition nobody died and no ships sunk, which is not to be taken for granted for an expedition of this kind.

The starting point for the voyage (and for other arctic expeditions of Nordenskiöld) was Tromsø. It was interesting to read that during one visit to Tromsø Nordenskiöld saw the Admiral Tegethoff, an Austrian ship on an unknown mission. I read an account of that expedition a long time ago but I think it was more of a literary work than a documentary one. I do not remember the title. What that expedition actually did was that it discovered Franz Josef Land. I visited Tromsø myself on my first trip to the far north in 1986. In that year I attended my first international conference in Stockholm as a PhD student and the temptation was great to use the opportunity to travel to the north afterwards. I took an overnight train to Kiruna and then travelled further to Abisko. I had a tent with me and camped there, being almost eaten by mosquitoes during the night. After that I switched to youth hostels despite my limited finances. My best memories of Abisko are numerous Bluethroats (I do not think I have seen another one since) and my first Long-Tailed Skuas. I travelled on to the end of the train line in Narvik. From there I took a bus to Tromsø. At midnight I boarded the Hurtigrute and crossed to Svolvaer in the Lofotens. In 1997 I passed Tromsø again on a cruise after visiting Iceland and Spitzbergen but did not spend any time there. I previously wrote something about that cruise here. That cruise also brought me to the most northerly point I have reached up to now in my life which is the Magdalenenfjorden at the north-west corner of Spitzbergen, about 79.5 degrees north. There was a picnic there for the passengers from the ship with sausages and mulled wine. It was not exactly a sublime experience but I was excited to have set foot on Spitzbergen. Another high point of that trip was Jan Mayen. That island is notorious for being covered with fog and I did not expect to see much of it. When we arrived about midnight the fog rose and we had excellent views. The conditions were so good that the ship circled for an hour to let us enjoy it. Most of Jan Mayen is a huge volcano rising straight out of the sea, the Beerenberg which is more than 2000 metres high. It is spectacular sight. The cruise was also due to pass close to Bear Island but I did not realise that. Nordenskiöld was one of the first to make scientific observations on Bear Island. Now Bear Island is probably much less spectacular than Jan Mayen, also usually covered in fog and I would probably have had to get up some time in the middle of the night to see it. Despite that, if I had known I had a chance of that type I would have taken it. The far north exerts an irresistible attraction on me. I have been in Iceland again and spent time in Vardø in the extreme north east of Norway, where I saw a White-Billed Diver. Maybe I will return to the north this summer.

Positivity for systems of reaction-diffusion equations

January 29, 2024

Here I consider a system of reaction-diffusion equations of the form \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial t}=d_i\Delta u_i+f_i(u), 1\le i\le n. The functions u_i(x,t) are defined on \Omega\times [0,\infty) where \Omega is a bounded domain in R^n with smooth boundary. Let the u_i be denoted collectively by u. I assume that the diffusion coefficients d_i are non-negative. If some of them are zero then the system is degenerate. In particular there is an ODE special case where all d_i are zero. If this system really describes chemical reactions and the u_i are concentrations then it is natural to assume that u_i(0)\ge 0 for all i. It should then follow that in the presence of suitable boundary conditions u(t)\ge 0 for all t\ge 0. I assume that u is a classical solution and that it extends to the boundary with enough smoothness that the boundary conditions are defined pointwise. It is necessary to implement the idea that the system is defined by chemical reactions. This can be done by requiring that whenever u\ge 0 and u_i=0 it follows that f_i(u)\ge 0. (This means that if a chemical species is not present it cannot be consumed in any reaction.) It turns out that this condition is enough to ensure positivity.

I will now explain a proof of positivity. The central ideas are taken from a paper of Maya Mincheva and David Siegel (J. Math. Chem. 42, 1135). Thanks to Maya for helpful comments on this subject. The argument is already interesting for ODE since important conceptual elements can already be seen. I will first discuss that case. Consider a solution of the equation \dot u=-au+b on the interval [0,\infty) where a and b are continuous functions with b>0 and suppose that u(0)>0. I claim that u(t)>0 for all t\ge 0. Let t^*=\sup\{t_1:u(t)\ge 0\ {\rm on}\ [0,t_1]\}. Since u(0)>0 it follows by continuity that t_1>0. Assume that t_1<\infty. By continuity u(t_1)\ge 0. If u(t_1) were greater than zero then by continuity it would also be positive for t slightly larger than t_1, contradicting the definition of t_1. Thus u(t_1)=0. The evolution equation then implies that \dot u(t_1)>0. This implies that u(t)<0 for t slightly less than t_1, which also contradicts the definition of t_1. Hence in reality t_1=\infty and this completes the proof of the desired result.

Suppose now that we weaken the assumptions to b\ge 0 and u(0)\ge 0. We would like to conclude that u(t)\ge 0 for all t. To do this we define a new quantity v=u+\epsilon e^{\sigma t} for positive constants \epsilon and \sigma. Then \dot v=\dot u+\epsilon\sigma e^{\sigma t}. Hence \dot v=-au+[b+\epsilon\sigma e^{\sigma t}] and v(0)=u(0)+\epsilon>0. Now u=v-\epsilon e^{\sigma t} and so \dot v=-av+[b+\epsilon(\sigma+a) e^{\sigma t}]. It follows that if \sigma is large enough v satisfies the conditions satisfied by u in the previous argument and it can be concluded that v(t)>0 for all t. Letting \epsilon tend to zero shows that u(t)\ge 0 for all t, the desired result.

This is different, and perhaps a bit more complicated than, the proof I know for this type of result. That proof involves considering the derivative of \log u on [0,t_1). It also involves approximating non-negative data by positive data. A difference is that the proof just given does not use the continuous dependence of solutions of an ODE on initial data and in that sense it is more elementary. In Theorem 3 of the paper of Mincheva and Siegel the former proof is extended to a case involving a system of PDE.

Now I come to that PDE proof. The system of PDE concerned is the one introduced above. Actually the paper requires the d_i be positive but that stronger condition is not necessary. This equation is solved with an initial datum u_0(x)=u(x,0) and a boundary condition \alpha u+\frac{\partial u}{\partial\nu}=g. Here \alpha is a diagonal matrix with non-negative entries and the function g is non-negative. The derivative \frac{\partial}{\partial\nu} is that in the direction of the outward unit normal to the boundary. We assume that u is a classical solution, i.e. all derivatives of u appearing in the equation exist and are continuous. Moreover u has a continuous extension to t=0 and a C^1 extension to \bar\Omega\times (0,\infty). We now replace the differential equation by the differential inequality \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}-D\Delta u-f(u)\ge 0. We assume that the initial data are non-negative, u_0(x)\ge 0. The assumption that g is non-negative, together with the boundary condition, gives rise to the inequality \alpha u+\frac{\partial u}{\partial\nu}\ge 0. The aim is to show that all solutions of the resulting system of inequalities are non-negative. We assume the condition for a system of chemical reactions already mentioned.

The proof is a generalization of that already given in the ODE case. The first step is to treat the case where each of the inequalities is replaced by the corresponding strict inequality. In contrast to the proof in the paper we assume that that u_0 is strictly positive on \bar\Omega. We define t_1 as in the ODE case so that [0,t_1] is the longest interval where the solution is non-negative. We suppose that t_1 is finite and obtain a contradiction. Note first that, as in the ODE case, t_1>0 by continuity. Now u(t_1)\ge 0. If u(t_1) were strictly positive on \bar\Omega then by continuity u would be strictly positive for t slightly greater than t_1, contradicting the definition of t_1. Hence there is an index i and a point x_0\in\bar\Omega with u_i(x_0,t_1)=0 and u_i(x_0,t)\ge 0 for all t<t_1. Suppose first that x_0\in\Omega. Then \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial t}(x_0,t_1)\le 0 and \Delta u_i(x_0,t_1)\ge 0. This contradicts the strict inequality related to the evolution equation for u_i and so cannot happen. Suppose next that x_0 is on the boundary of \Omega. Then \alpha_i u_i(x_0,t_1)=0 and \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial\nu}\le 0. This contradicts the strict inequality related to the boundary condition for u_i. Thus in fact t_1=\infty and u is strictly positive for all time.

Now we do a perturbation argument by considering v=u+\bar\epsilon e^{\sigma t}H(x). Here \bar\epsilon is the vector all of whose components are \epsilon and H is a positive function. It is obvious that v(0)>0. We now choose H(x)=e^{h(x)} which ensures its positivity and require that the outward normal derivative of h on the boundary is equal to one. (Here I will take for granted that a function h of this kind exists. A source for this statement is cited in the paper. For me the positivity statement is already very interesting in the case that \Omega is a ball and there the existence of the function h is obvious.) Then the fact that u satisfies the non-strict boundary inequality implies that v satisfies the strict boundary inequality. It remains to derive an evolution equation for v. A straightfoward calculation gives \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial t}-d_i\Delta v_i-f_i(v)\ge e^{\sigma t}\epsilon[\sigma H-d_i\Delta H-L\sqrt{n}H] where L is a Lipschitz constant for f on the image of the compact region being considered. Choosing \sigma large enough ensures that the right hand side and hence the left hand side of this inequality is strictly positive. We conclude that v>0 and, letting \epsilon\to 0, that u\ge 0.

If we want to prove an inequality for solutions of a PDE it is common to proceed as follows. We deform the problem continuously as a function of a small parameter \epsilon so as to get a simpler problem. When that has been solved we let \epsilon tend to zero to get a solution of the original problem. Often it is the equations which are deformed. Then we need a theorem on existence and continuous dependence to get a continuous deformation of the solution. The above proof is different. We perturb the solution in a way whose continuity is obvious and then derive a family of equations of which that is a family of solutions. This is easy and comfortable. The hard thing is to guess a good deformation of the soluion.